5 Habits That Are Making You Dumb

2 min readJul 15, 2022
  • Multitasking

Studies have shown time and time again that multitasking makes

you LESS productive.

Multitasking is actually a myth. It should be renamed “Task Switching’, because the human brain is incapable of focusing on two things simultaneously.

  • Checking your phone when you wake up

Our brains are not built to switch from “asleep” to “wide awake” instantly.

The blue light from your phone floods your brain with cortisol (stress hormone) and puts you in a state of “fight-or-flight” seconds after waking.

  • Not having a bedtime routine

More often than not, poor bedtime routine = poor sleep.

Sleep deprivation impairs our reflexes, decision-making, and ability to learn.

A high level of sleep deprivation can even cause similar effects to a.08% blood alcohol level.

  • Not turning off notifications

Your ability to focus will largely dictate how much you can get done in a day.

As soon as you turn on unnecessary notifications, you’ve willfully given up control of your focus by inviting outside distractions to disrupt your workflow.

  • Not automating processes

Automate as many processes as possible! This helps you work smarter.

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Thanks for reading! Are you guilty of these? Let me know in the comments




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